Marin Theatre Company (MTC) closes out its 2023/24 season with “Torch Song,” the seminal comic drama by Harvey Fierstein, directed by Evren Odcikin.
An adaptation of Fierstein’s 1982 play Torch Song Trilogy, this newly revised two-act “Torch Song,” called “Spectacular” by The New York Times, focuses on Arnold Beckoff, a lovelorn Jewish drag queen wielding the pithy wit of a Fran Lebowitz, who is looking for love in New York City. By turns hilarious and touching, this rollicking work finds Arnold stumbling through modern life, wallowing in cynical despair at ever finding a husband, a child, and a pair of bunny slippers that fit. An unexpected visit from his disapproving mother from Miami reminds Arnold that what he really needs is respect.
Tickets: $39.50 - $65.50
Show runs May 9th - June 2nd (check website for showtimes)